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4 Ways You Benefit From Industrial Waste Recycling

Aug. 12, 2022

Waste recycling system

Waste recycling system

We learned this motto a long time ago: recycle, reduce and reuse. It is easy to apply on a personal level. Replace the plastic with refillable water bottles, bundle newspapers and cardboard for recycling, and even refurbish old furniture or electronics. But when we look at our workplace and the waste stream generated inside, it seems to be a more difficult task.

No matter which industry you are in, from manufacturing, medical to agriculture, or energy production, you will generate waste. Look at the four benefits of implementing industrial recycling in your waste management plan. Waste management has many components, including water treatment, providing roll-off trash cans, and consulting.


Reduce costs

There is a cost to dispose of unused materials and commercial by-products. By finding ways to reuse waste within your company or through a third party, you can help reduce these costs and improve your bottom line.

In addition, you can also reduce costs by purchasing raw materials made from recycled materials. For example, aluminum is one of the fastest and easiest to recycle materials and is used in many manufacturing industries. But when you buy new aluminum, you pay almost twice as much as recycled aluminum.


Save resources and energy

The most important benefit of industrial recycling is the fact that by finding ways to reuse or recycle industrial waste, you reduce the pressure on the earth’s resources. When industrial waste and by-products are reused, it reduces the need to produce new raw materials. Reducing waste also reduces our demand for landfills, making the land available for other uses, and reducing greenhouse gas emissions and other gas pollutants, which are generated by the decomposition of landfills.

Using the EPA's Waste Reduction Model (WARM) tool, you can provide specific figures for your waste reduction efforts. Using this tool, you can calculate the amount of greenhouse gas emissions prevented by alternative recycling or reuse methods.


A sustainable brand

When your company strives to achieve sustainable development, you can expect that industrial recycling will also bring social benefits. This shows your commitment to the future of the community, which can easily become a competitive advantage in other markets.

Through waste-to-energy recycling, make your business sustainable.


Create new job opportunities

The process of industrial waste recycling includes transportation, processing, and resale; all of these require manpower of various skill levels. Compared with landfills and incinerators, recycling and reuse can create at least 9 times more employment opportunities (up to 30 times!).

Through the waste recycling system provided by Qunfeng Heavy Industries, industrial waste can be successfully converted into profit. Please feel free to contact us if you need it.

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